5 Powerful Content Marketing Strategies You Should Know
Experts agree that “content is king” in digital marketing. The fact is, quality content is the lifeline of online marketing. Content is responsible for attracting more traffic, leads and sales to a website. It is the foundational reason why high-ranking websites succeed. Without it, a business cannot retain a loyal customer base or returning audience. A well-organized strategy is vital, necessary and mandatory. In addition, strategies need to be re-evaluated on a regular basis.
While you are in the process of designing a content marketing strategy, there are few things to keep in mind. Unless you have a clear set of goals, you cannot expect to accomplish what you’re setting out to achieve. Here’s a starting checklist:
1) Know your audience.
2) Know the digital landscape and anticipate potential obstacles.
3) Know how you can differentiate your content, avoiding duplicating content already out there on the internet, setting yourself apart from your competition.
4) Know the format and development platform in advance.
5) Know the channels where the strategies are going to be used, which can also include social media, paid ads, and partner sites.
So, here’s the most obvious question, “why does your business need a content marketing strategy in the first place?” Strategic content provides a steady flow of traffic. It also makes room for you to focus on developing short-term strategies that work hand-in-hand with your existing long-term strategies.
Let’s look at some common content types that have proven to be successful, and also allows you to be creative, have fun and “humanize” your brand, making you the thought leader for your respective industry.
Think of blogs as a one-on-one conversation that you’re having with your audience. Blogs can convey in-depth definitions of your products and services. Blog posts should be anywhere from 750 to 2000 words long. A well-written, as well as interesting, blog post compels readers to finish, retain and share your information across multiple platforms, such as social media. Blogging should be done regularly, preferably one post every one to two weeks. Monthly posting isn’t as intimate and, as they say, “out of sight, out of mind”.
Did you know that it is easy to convert long articles into useful eBooks? Think about it, a blog or article that is packed with great information can be compiled into a PDF and offered to your audience through a subscription. Ebooks contain more detailed, and more elaborately formatted, material. Free eBook offers are also a great way to assemble a mailing list for your most loyal visitors.
The internet is as much about visual stimulation as it is about useful information. Too many words chase off people with super-short attention spans. Some users prefer colors, graphics, and witty text, over long articles. It’s the same message as a blog or an ebook in an optical format. Infographics add vibrancy to otherwise dull and boring content. When you couple visually appealing graphics with appropriate content, you end up with an attractive message.
Videos are the most shared pieces of content on social media. Well-produced video content is viewed and shared hundreds of times in a month. This type of content costs a little more, and requires extra planning, but is worth the investment. This is where you can really get creative with your messaging. It adds that approachable component to your brand and results in making that “lasting impression”, which is more likely to be recalled in a person’s memory, resulting in a potential conversion.
Podcasts have been around for a while, but are starting to become more popular as of late. Not to overemphasize here, but audio is also the preferred medium for the user with a short attention span. This is why audio books have become so popular. Listening on-the-go is also easier for people with busy schedules, or for those whose jobs require them to be in a car, or other forms of transportation, for long stretches of time. Listening to someone talk also increases the chances of information retention. It’s more like listening to someone you know!
Want to know more about how to create and implement these 5 types of content? Horton Group can sit down with you and help you formulate a solid content strategy that moves you towards your business goals. Fill out our Contact form, tell us your story and we’ll work together to get you rolling with a successful content strategy! You can always call us too 😉