How Thinking Like a Business Helps Attorneys With Marketing
Digital Marketing for Attorneys
Attorneys provide an important service to our community. Attorneys are there to help people during difficult times by using the knowledge they’ve gained through their extensive studies. However, these services aren’t going to be utilized by the people who need them if these people can’t find an attorney that meets their needs.
This is why attorneys need to think of their services from the point of view of a business: Find people searching online for your services and convince them you are the person to provide them with the best legal services.
Internet marketing is extremely effective when it comes to selling a product. It is also effective in getting the name of an attorney in front of someone that is searching for legal help.
Many Attorneys benefit from utilizing business tactics, and digital marketing plays a major roll in their success.
Here’s how Businesses & Attorneys use Digital Marketing to Increase Leads:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Offer Quality Content
- Make a Beautiful Website
- Consider Your Layout
- Testimonials Build Trust
- Use Videos
- Utilize All Outlets
Search Engine Optimization
The best internet marketing results in organic interest in your website. This means your visitors find their way to your message through their own research.
Organic traffic has a better rate of engagement and results in higher-quality leads.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way to make your website more attractive to search engines.
Strategic incorporation of specifically-targeted keywords increase the visibility of your website.
This way, your website is more likely to show up when someone searches a topic relating to your services. This is a popular method for many businesses and should be utilized by attorneys.
Offer Quality Content
Trust is a large factor in the relationship between an attorney and a client. A base level of trust is needed for the client to make that initial point of contact with a potential attorney.
So how do you build this trust if you’ve never met somebody?
You establish authority.
Clients are much more likely to work with an attorney if they believe in the attorney’s capabilities. Providing quality content such as blogs and ebooks is a great way to establish the necessary authority.
Make a Beautiful Website
Presentation matters.
The reason that you dress in a suit when you go into the office is the same reason you need a professional website. A confusing and poor-quality website tells potential clients that you don’t pay attention to details.
On the flipside, a great-looking and fully-functional website communicates professionalism.
It makes your visitors feel better as they explore your information.
Ecommerce businesses understand the importance of user experience, and attorneys can reap the same benefits from a well-designed website.
Consider Your Layout
The arrangement of the pages on your website will affect not only the way a visitor experiences your content, but your rankings in search results.
Many attorneys offer a variety of services. Each of these offerings should have its own specialized page. This places focus on each of these services.
Your visitors probably don’t have multiple reasons for needing an attorney. Separating your services gives them equal weight on your website.
Web design can also direct your visitor’s path through your website.
For instance, you’ll benefit from proving your authority before offering a free consultation.
Working with a professional web designer will improve the customer’s experience as well as your conversion rates.
Testimonials Build Trust
Many online businesses will use past customers to prove their skills in their field.
Attorneys should do the exact same thing. Reach out to past clients that had an overwhelmingly positive experience and ask them to share their thoughts.
These can be compiled and placed on their own page or even included on your homepage.
Showcasing testimonials can convince a visitor to look further into your services.
People are generally at least fairly skeptical of advertisements. However, they are much more inclined to trust the word of another person that used the same service.
Use Videos
Internet users love watching videos.
This is your chance to condense useful information into an easily-consumed product, prove your authority, and introduce yourself to your audience.
For instance, here’s a video Horton Group put together for local attorney John Rochford:
Utilize All Outlets
Internet marketing has a lot more to offer an attorney than a slick website and optimized content.
Pay-per-click advertising is a way to go out and find your customers. These paid ads run alongside relevant internet searches.
The best part is you don’t have to pay until they work. You are also able to track various metrics so you can adjust your PPC campaign to be most effective.
Almost everybody’s on social media. Are you?
Attorneys should utilize these free platforms and connect with their community. They’ll be more inclined to think of you once they need your help.
These methods are popular for many websites because they have been proven to work. Attorneys can derive the same benefits through using similar tactics and grow their business.