How User-Generated Content Can Help Your SEO Rankings_local SEO Nashville_Horton Group_Nashville TN-1

User-Generated Content for Local SEO

User-generated content is a great way to bolster the local SEO performance for your Nashville business.

Better search result rankings, however, are only one aspect of potential positives of engaging with this content.

Reaching out and interacting directly with your customer base has a long list of benefits.

Engagement strengthens Branding Awareness and creates Lifelong Customers. Therefore, using local SEO can help grow your business with limited marketing funds.

Creating your own content is essential to building your local SEO. And adding in user-generated content magnifies this effort.

How User-Generated content increases your SEO rankings:

Constant Source of Fresh Content

Every piece of content that is posted on your website or linked through your social media improves your search query performance.

New reviews, comments, and testimonials are published directly to your website and frequently add more fuel to the SEO machine.

Social media thrives on fresh content.

Many accounts are incredibly productive which means your posts are bound to get buried quickly. But a constant stream of content helps you stay on top of this wave of activity.

Posting user-generated content along with unique content gives search engines more to find.

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Proves Your Product’s Worth

Popular items experience a bit of a snowball effect.

Search rankings become higher with increased traffic. So once your product or website begins to take off, the rewards will continue to come.

Positive reviews are a great way to convince new visitors of the worth of your services.

Each review comes from a person who was once in the shoes of the new visitor. They’re trying to decide if your product or service is a fit for them.

Some encouraging words from a previous customer can help get them over the hump.

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Natural Source of SEO Tags

Keyword stuffing doesn’t work anymore in terms of local SEO. The old days saw websites cramming in as many keywords as possible without regard to the readability of the copy.

This is no longer an advantageous practice. However, naturally-occuring SEO tags can still provide benefits for a website.

User-generated content is a great source of tags that can benefit your search result rankings.

Headings for product reviews, for example, provide an opportunity to put your material into a proper context.

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Includes Long-Tail Keywords

Table displaying google search and how User-generated content is a great way to bolster the local SEO performance for your Nashville business.

Reviews, comments, and social media posts will describe the products or services you provide.

These are organic sources of long-tail keywords which can have a great effect on your local SEO performance.

Ranking for long-tail keywords can be difficult. These are keywords that are much more specific, generally pull in a smaller amount of traffic, but have a higher conversion rate.

They are quite beneficial. And there are only so many places you can naturally work them into your website’s copy.

User reviews can provide an opportunity to discuss the themes surrounding these keywords again and again.

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Increases Social Media Presence

Interactions are a huge help to local SEO performance. And social media is the absolute best place to create these interactions.

User-generated content not only provides a source of continuous content, it starts a conversation.

First, it creates a connection with the person who originally posted the material. But then, it builds rapport with other users.

In fact, 85% of people surveyed said they find user-generated content to be more influential than content created directly by a company.

A great social media presence raises the visibility of your website, along with your authority in the industry—both of which are rewarded with higher local SEO rankings.

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There are many different kinds of user-generated content that can help your website’s local SEO performance.

  • Testimonials: Customers love hearing from previous customers before making a purchase. These reviews will often include keywords that will help direct search engines toward your website. So not only do you get your website in front of more people, you provide encouraging material that increases conversions once they visit.
  • Social Media Reposts: This is one of the more popular means of displaying user-generated content. Many companies encourage their customers to post a picture of themselves with the product. This picture is then re-posted on various social media outlets. The original photo acts as an advertisement in itself, and then the repost creates further engagement.
  • Product Reviews: Product reviews act much the same as testimonials, except it puts more control in the hands of the user. These reviews are liable to show up in search queries and be used by new visitors.
  • Comments: Enable comments on blog posts or news items to create a dialogue with your visitors. However, be sure to enable an approval step so you don’t get spammed.

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